August 31, 2012 Call for Submissions: Imagination & Place: Cartography.
The Imagination & Place Press seeks poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and essays for a fifth book in a series of anthologies, to be titled Imagination & Place: Cartography.The editors write: "We are interested in maps and mapmakers of all kinds. Interpreting imaginatively, your submission should focus on a particular bioregion (e.g., desert, wetlands, mountain, plains, grassland, etc.) that you clearly identify and discuss in your piece.
Please send a cover letter with contact information (name, address, phone number, email), 50-word biography, and a maximum of five poems, a story, or non-fiction piece of 7,000 words or less by hard copy to the following address:
Imagination & Place Press P.O. Box 53 Lawrence, KS 66044. We accept simultaneous submissions. Please inform us if your work has been accepted elsewhere."