Road Trip: Conversations
with Writers, edited by Shelly Clark and Marjorie Salser, is a an collection
of interviews with distinguished Nebraska writers, including Ted Kooser. The
book is worth reading for insights into writing well. Especially, this comment
by Ted Kooser sticks with me:
One of the things that troubles me concerns
anecdotes. We have always had anecdotes as part of our social intercourse, and
it seems to me that the only refuge for the anecdote in literature has come to
be the poem. I mean, you can use anecdotes in fiction but they are just an
incremental part of it. The only place that an anecdote is legitimate is as a
poem today, and as a result we have tens of thousands of poems that are merely anecdotes.
I go to probably 50 poetry readings a year, and I
can attest to the fact that many poems are simply personal stories—about scraping
ice in winter, watching birds, overhearing conversations, road trip sights, confrontation
with the neighbor’s dog or cat—that do not go beyond the moment with heightened
language or other tugs on the strings of poetry’s lyre. Kooser goes on: “Simply
to take an anecdote of how you helped your mother wash the car and to cut it up
in lines and put it on a page is not enough for anybody” (229). Kooser
articulates for me the new kind of poetry cliché. The poem's topic itself becomes a cliche, just a like a commonly used phrase--"Flatter than a pancake." This kind of poem begins
implicitly, “Isn’t it interesting how I noticed __________?” This can be
ended with a clincher, like a joke. Like a joke, it does not translate well to
the page. Try reading a joke book, and then watch John Stewart suppress giggles as he delivers a line. Performance adds the sparkle to the words. A good lyric poem is rich and can be read and reread, with new light reflecting when seen from different angles (of time).
I appreciate Kooser’s comments on two-dimensional storytelling. I apologize to the world for all the poems of this ilk I have written
myself (about scraping ice in winter, birds, cats, etc.). I pledge to do better.
I highly recommend this terrific book of good
sense and wit, Road Trip, available online and through indie The Backwaters
Press, publisher Greg Kosmicki (
). Other authors in the book are: Jonis Agee, William Kloefkorn, Don Welch, Hilda
Raz, Charles Fort, Barbara Schmitz, Ron Block, Eamonn Wall, Twyla Hansen, J.V.
Brummels, and Brent Spencer. Each interview includes a picture of the author
and representative selections from their work.