Monday, August 20, 2012

USA Artists LENAPE CODE Project Ends Today! Please Donate!

Please consider donations! for this project, which ends at midnight today. Only a few hours remain. This is an all-or-nothing fundraising model, so we need one last push to keep all funds raised to date.

The project, about Lenape (Delaware) heritage, is a collaboration of artists, musician, and my text. I found that my family tombstones in the Flint Hills are engraved with Algonquin beadwork designs! Since then I have found specifically the medicine wheel, or "Ojibwa Rose" design, has a history that extends back to 17th century treaty signatures and petroglyphs in Central Park, NYC. All these are part of the multi-layered project.

This visual and creative text will include my text, artists’ prints by Paul Hotvedt and Clare Doveton, music by Stephen Howard (he does the video soundtrack), an electronic version, and further expressions. Perks include print and electronic access to these creations.

Roger Shimomura nominated me for USA Artists, the fundraising organization that backsprojects across the country, and I appreciate his faith in me. Thanks to more than 50 people who have donated.

With much appreciation,
