Denise Low Reviews Natasha Trethewey, Mary Oliver, Louise Gluck and Rain Gomez
poetry column "On Poetry" for the Kansas City Star is posted online today: “Collections
by four female poets touch on cultural identity, nature and myth”
I was inspired by the success of women writers, including new books by Natasha Trethewey (U.S. Poet Laureate), Mary Oliver (why
does she keep selling so well!), Louise Gluck (mythic lyricist) and Rain Gomez
(Creole-Choctaw cook and poet). The review begins: “The beginning of 2013 brings 'best-of' lists and also a
celebration of women’s achievements as writers. The year’s first issue of Poets & Writers magazine notes women
as winners of 56 percent of 2012 book prizes. Recent books show how poetry is
indeed women’s work and how they excel.” Read more here: