Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Michael Harty, poet, reads April 17 from THE STATUE GAME

Michael Harty, one of my students in the KC area master workshop, will be featured with Walter Bargen, former Missouri Poet Laureate, at the Thomas Zvi Wilson reading 6 pm on April 19, Johnson County Central Resource Library, 9875 W 87th St, Overland Park, KS 66212.

Harty’s tight-knit poems are full of details, always honed to a purpose, as in this poem:

Later Vision

In the end we just get tired
of keeping things straight
when time insists on folding
back on itself like a tissue pattern
pinned today to some petrofiber
as yesterday to woven wool.

All day in our minds we hear
old songs new-written for today:
as it is in dreams, when we see ninety
and twenty at once, smooth faces
overlaid on those long ruined.
The cataracted eye sees
through the ceremonial wall
dividing was from what-could-have-been.

Michael Harty lives and works in Prairie Village, a suburb of Kansas City. He has had a long career as a psychologist and psychoanalyst. He started publishing poetry in 2005. They appear in New Litters, Kansas City Voices Amoskeag, San Pedro River Review, Coal City Review, Texas Poetry Calendar Midwest Quarterly,1-70 Review, The Lyric, and others. Two have been nominated for Pushcart prizes, and he won the 2015 2015 Anne Dittrick Sonnet Writing Contest. His chapbook The Statue Game is available online:  michaelharty.com

© 2014 Michael Harty. Reprinted with permission and