Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Watkins Museum of History Sponsors a Free Memoir Workshop in Lawrence

Lawrence-KC area writers interested in the art of memoir, this free workshop is in Lawrence, Oct. 15:
Writing Out: A Memoir-Crafting Workshop. Dr. Kim Stanley of McPherson College will lead this free workshop exploring memoir-writing. She will start by defining the memoir, then provide examples, discuss how to provide context, and invite workshop participants to share memories and begin writing their own narratives.
This workshop is part of the Pulitzer Project in Kansas: William Allen White and Freedom of Speech, sponsored by the Kansas Humanities Council.Register at: 785-841-4109 or See the Watkins Museum, city historical museum's Facebook page:
Prof. Kim Stanley has served for ten years as a book discussion leader for the Kansas Humanities Council. For KHC, she has used stories to teach hospice values, to lead book discussions in a state prison, and to conduct a project teaching imprisoned fathers to read to their children. She was lead scholar for a Vietnam War project: “The Big Read” (funded by the NEA).
After her travel seminar to Turkey, sponsored by the Institute for Interfaith Dialogue, she re-designed a course to use literature to teach students about world faiths through literature. At McPherson College, she teaches composition, poetry, and British and world literature.Education:
B.A., Trinity University in San Antonio; M.A., St. John’s College at Santa Fe; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin